Product means a lot of things to a lot of people. Here’s what it means at Hex.

Great PMs are fundamentally storytellers. They synthesize what’s true and interesting, and share it in a way that’s clear and inspiring. They form an opinion on what problem to work on, and what a solution could look like. And then, when it’s done, they help tell the story to the world.

They create clarity from ambiguity. In a space as big as data, and a product as complex as Hex, it can be hard to know where to focus. What problems should we solve, for whom? In what order? What’s critical vs. nice to have? It’s on them to find answers.

They spend time with users, understanding their workflows, and developing empathy. They partner closely with GTM to get in front of customers, both current and prospective. They dive into the data.

Then, they translate this understanding back to the team, generating cogent artifacts that get everyone aligned on which problems to solve. The whole company has a better sense of our customers, and how we can help them, because of their work.

They know their job is not to come up with every solution, or pass finished requirements to engineering or design. Instead they see their role as empowering **the creative, brilliant people around them, pointing out opportunities and providing feedback. They know that the number one killer of velocity is thrash and uncertainty.

They act as a connector and bridge – not broker – between EPD and GTM, powering a feedback-to-launch flywheel. They are the focal point for input from the field, and have a handle on what’s working, what’s not, and validate ideas with customers.

Finally, they think about how to market and distribute the fruits of their team’s work. They’re intimately involved in the product launch, field enablement, pricing, positioning and messaging, docs authoring, and promotion. They know their job isn’t done when the feature ships, and fully own the outcome through to measurable customer impact.