This Employee Separation Policy covers situations in which a team member no longer works with Hex, either through involuntary or voluntary termination, and applies to all prospective or current employees of the company.

While departures are something that everyone seeks to avoid, they do happen. Our goal is to make the process as clear and humane as possible, and avoid any misunderstandings.

Hex is bound to handle any cases of termination of employment as dictated by law with discretion, professionalism, and official documentation.


Termination of employment happens when the contract of an employee is discontinued due to their or the company’s actions.

The dismissal of an employee from their job duties may be categorized as voluntary or involuntary.

Voluntary dismissal may include the following:

Involuntary dismissal may include the following:

Discharge for cause refers to immediate termination of employment due to an employee’s misconduct. Any kind of disciplinary action that results in termination may be considered “for cause”. Other wrongful behaviors or actions that result in immediate dismissal are also considered “for cause”. Examples of such termination of employees include circumstances where an employee: